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Call the RCS helpline on 08088 01 03 02

How we can help

Some people contact us for one-off advice and information. Others want support for a short time or for much longer.

You can contact us yourself (you do not have to give us your name). Or you can ask someone else to do that for you. If someone else contacts us for you, we will need you to tell us or sign something to show that you agree for us to speak to them or take any information about you from them. Once we have this, we will contact you in the way and at the times which are best for you.

We will listen to what you say and work out with you how we can best help. This is a chance for you to tell us about how things are for you and/or ask us any questions. You can decide how much you want to tell us. You do not have to answer any of our questions.

If you would like us to contact you again, we will agree with you how and when to do this.

  • We can provide information whether you are a survivor of rape and sexual violence; a friend or relative of a survivor; or a worker from another agency.
  • We offer advocacy support to people who have experienced a rape, attempted rape or sexual assault who are thinking about or who have reported. We can give you information about the process and support you in your engagement with the Police and Crown Office. Support is available to you whether or not you decide to report.
  • We provide longer-term support for people after an initial crisis and for those who experienced rape or sexual violence in the past (recently or years ago), as an adult or as a child. This aims to help survivors deal with the effects of rape and sexual violence. Sometimes these can emerge in later life.

We can meet people who are able to travel in safe and discreet places. We also provide telephone support for those that prefer this or who cannot travel as well as online, by text and email.

We fit support sessions around what each survivor wants and needs. The support worker's job is to listen to survivors, to be there for them, and to help them cope with the effects of sexual violence.

Coping after sexual violence

Coping with the trauma of sexual violence can be hard and you do not have to do this alone. Whatever you may feel at this time or whatever the circumstances, you are not to blame for what happened. We will not judge you. We will listen to you, believe you and treat you with respect.

Phone us on 01343 550407 or email
