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Call the RCS helpline on 08088 01 03 02

Service Update: 29/07/24

We are so sorry that our support and advocacy services for adults aged 19 and over are now closed to all new referrals until 31st August. 

Please note that the following services remain open and continue to accept referrals:

  • Rise Up project- support and advocacy for young people aged 11 to 18
  • First language support in Polish.

We are working hard towards being able to reopen our adult support and advocacy services in August. In the interim, we have included some information below about other services which can offer support and also some weblinks to useful resources about sexual violence and ways of coping.

Services which can offer support

National Rape Crisis Helpline- open each day from 5pm to midnight

The National Rape Crisis Helpline is open each day from 5pm to midnight, and supports people of all genders living in Scotland aged 13+ who have been affected by any form of sexual violence, as well family members, friends and partners.

Call: 08088 01 03 02
Text: 07537 410 027

SARCS- NHS sexual assault service

If something has happened recently, you can contact the Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS). This is an NHS service for anyone aged 16 and over which can offer healthcare and support after an assault. If you are unsure whether you want to report to the police, the SARCS service may be able to arrange for you to have a forensic medical examination without reporting to the police. You can self-refer by phoning 0800 148 88 88 (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You can find out more information at If you are under 16, you find information about where you can for help at

Moray Women’s Aid: 01343 548549 or

Moray Women’s Aid is the largest provider of support services to women and children experiencing Domestic Abuse/Violence throughout rural Moray. Services include provision of safe accommodation both at Marleon House and within the community, community support, professional counselling and drop-in centres.

Moray Women’s Aid Children & Young People’s Service: 01343 548 550 or


Victim Support Moray

Emotional support, practical help and information to victims, witnesses and others affected by crime

Phone: 01343 544 607




Information resources
A range of useful support resources on sexual violence and ways of coping can be found below:

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Speak to us

We want to hear from you. Phone us on 01343 550407 or email us.

How we can help you
