Support through the Justice system & Reporting to the Police
At Moray Rape Crisis we have a specialist advocacy service to help people who are thinking about reporting to the police, or have already made a report, navigate the criminal justice system.
Whether something happened recently or a long time ago, if you decide to report to the police, we can support you with this and throughout the justice system.
Our Advocacy Workers provide support and information through all stages of the Criminal Justice system, from before a statement is made right through to the resolution of a court case. Reporting to the police, the police investigation and the court process can be a confusing and a stressful time for survivors, their friends and family, but our Advocacy Workers are here to help.
We can support you with:
- information about what to expect if you decide to report and during the legal process;
- the process of making a statement to the police;
- attending meetings with the police or others e.g. the Procurator Fiscal (PF)
- getting updates on what is happening with your case.
- providing information about special measures (e.g. use of a screen, giving evidence by video link, having a supporter in court)
- supporting you in court
- providing post-court support.
If you have been affected by any form of sexual violence, no matter when it happened, you do not have to cope with this on your own.
We are here for you.
We support people of any gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, religious and cultural background regardless of someone’s immigration status and we are fully inclusive of trans survivors.
Our service is confidential. We will listen to you, believe you and respect your choices. We will not tell you what to do or judge your actions.
Sexual violence takes many forms and is any kind of unwanted sexual behaviour. It happens without consent (permission).
Sexual violence does not have to be a ‘violent act’, however it is a violation of someone’s right to fully consent to sexual activity/contact.
Examples of sexual violence include:
- Being forced, pressurised or tricked into any kind of unwanted sexual activity or contact (whether in person or online)
- Unwanted touching or kissing
- Forcing or putting pressure on someone to send or receive a sexual image, or look at sexual images or films
- Doing something sexual to someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or substances and unable to give their consent
- Someone taking, having or sharing an image of you in underwear, naked or doing something sexual if you are under 18 or without your consent
- Sexual bullying, harassment or stalking.
Whatever happened, no matter what you were wearing or how you were behaving, you are not to blame. If someone has harmed you, it is not your fault. The person who harmed you is responsible.
You can contact us for support for yourself or for someone else in your family or someone you know, ask a parent, friend, agency, GP or college to refer you.
Our referral form is in English and Polish, and you can download it here in English & Polish and in Easy Read here.
Our normal office hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Call: 01343 550 407
- Email:
You can also contact the Rape Crisis Scotland National Helpline, each day from 5pm to midnight, on 08088 01 03 02, or by texting 07537 410 027 or emailing The Rape Crisis Scotland helpline text number will appear on your bill, see their website for more info.
If something has happened recently, you can contact the Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS). This is an NHS service for anyone aged 16 and over which can offer healthcare and support after an assault. If you are unsure whether you want to report to the police, the SARCS service may be able to arrange for you to have a forensic medical examination without reporting to the police. You can self-refer by phoning 0800 148 88 88 (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You can find out more information at